Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Okanagan Rawsome

Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Okanagan Rawsome

It’s been amazing to see so many incredibly healthy, delicious products for specialized diets come to market over recent years, and Okanagan Rawsome has been some of the pack leaders. Crisp creator and company founder Afke Zonderland started developing her raw, sprouted, gluten-free crisps in 2008 and over the past decade, working with her daughter Ana, Afke has maintained her commitment to sourcing the organic produce used in her crisps from her own and local farms, to help support her community socially, economically, and environmentally.

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Outdoor Fun For The Little Ones

Outdoor Fun For The Little Ones

We’ve mostly had good weather the past few weeks and that’s been such a great thing for many families while schools have been closed! But even the most beautiful, sunny day can sometimes face competition stiff from screens, and 'summer treats' are often super sugary (like cotton candy and freezies!). It can be tough to balance things out, so we put together a few quick ideas to help make sure the kids in your life are staying as healthy as possible while having as much fun as possible this summer!

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Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Gathering Place Trading

Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Gathering Place Trading

This month our Meet The Maker Interview is with Lovena Harvey, the CEO of Gathering Place Trading, an incredible direct fair trade, BC-based, family run importer who sources products grown with sustainable earth-friendly practices. Lovena works primarily from home on Cortes Island, where her home office overlooks the garden. Their warehouse and packaging facilities are located in downtown Campbell River on Vancouver Island, and they have an incredible team of intentional staff who hand package each and every product they produce.

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The Wonders of Honey

The Wonders of Honey

The term ‘superfood’ is pretty widely used these days, but we think there are few foods that deserve the title more than honey! From its anti-bacterial and anti-viral healing properties to its vitamins and minerals and absolutely fabulous flavours, it truly is a wonderful substance. This little overview covers some of its primary benefits and forms!

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Meet The Makers Mini Interview: KitsKitchen

Meet The Makers Mini Interview: KitsKitchen

We might be in the middle of the most epic soup season BC has ever seen! One of the best ways to counter endless rainy grey days is a beautiful warm bowl of soup full of premium, locally sourced ingredients—and kitskitchen offers us lucky west-coasters exactly that. Their fabulous soups are also wheat free, dairy free, and additive/preservative-free! Co-founder and CEO Joni Lind has answered our Meet The Maker Mini Interview questions this month, so you can get to know the lovely local humans behind that delicious bowl keeping your spirits lifted and your body nourished.

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Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Wild Mountain Chocolate

Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Wild Mountain Chocolate

There is definitely something kind of magical about chocolate making, especially at this time of year. And especially when you know it’s being created with true passion and truly high ethical standards. Helen and Glen moved into BC’s Rocky Mountains to follow not only a dream but a sense of responsibility. With Wild Mountain Chocolate, they create chocolate bars that inspire people with both their amazing flavour and their positive social impact. Helen has answered our Mini Interview questions so you can learn more about the Wild Mountain Chocolate project!

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Free Talk @ PoCo: Mushroom Mysteries & Medicine

Free Talk @ PoCo: Mushroom Mysteries & Medicine

Wednesday, November 20th, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Join the Herbal Jedi (Yarrow Willard Cl.H.) in unraveling the science and folklore around using mushrooms as food and medicine. In this informative talk Yarrow will share with you a deeper look at the benefits of many of the world’s top medicinal mushrooms. Mushroom samples, tasters and tea will be included in this free talk.

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