Meet The Makers Mini Interview: KitsKitchen
/Amy Kaye and Joni Lind of kitskitchen
We might be in the middle of the most epic soup season BC has ever seen! One of the best ways to counter endless rainy grey days is a beautiful warm bowl of soup full of premium, locally sourced ingredients—and kitskitchen offers us lucky west-coasters exactly that. Their fabulous soups are also wheat free, dairy free, and additive/preservative-free! Co-founder and CEO Joni Lind has answered our Meet The Maker Mini Interview questions this month, so you can get to know the lovely local humans behind that delicious bowl keeping your spirits lifted and your body nourished.
kitskitchen Mini Interview
Share your story with us in a 150 words or less.
Amy and I launched kitskitchen in 2014 because we could not find clean, healthy soup anywhere we looked. We both believe that what you eat effects how you feel, and nothing makes us feel better than nourishing home-made soup. So, we thought we would spread the love.
Getting from an idea to a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’?
When we started seeing it on store shelves and could watch people we didn't know buy it like it was on their regular grocery list.
Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why?
My personal favourite has been our Yam & Coconut for years. The recipe was designed by Erin Ireland and I think due to the lime juice in it, I find it highly addictive. I am a citrus lover so I naturally attract to this soup. However, we are launching a new line of products in March 2020, and I may have a new favourite soon
What motivates you on a day-to-day basis?
My nieces, nephews and now my son. I have a very deep desire to make them proud of my work and accomplishments. My business partner also is a huge motivation. I see the work she puts in and it always pushes me to go a little further.
What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in?
The fact that I can hike a mountain and dip my toes in the ocean all in the same day. I think our city is the most gorgeous place to live. The parks, the people, the air, the scenery. We are so lucky to call Vancouver home.
Describe your ideal Sunday morning, including your breakfast.
I love getting up early and snuggling with my son until he falls back asleep for his first nap of the day. Weekends are when I get to spend more one on one time with my dog, Cooper which I cherish. We will either go right to the park for fetch or the whole family will go on a walk to Pacific Spirit Park. I usually make us a healthy breakfast including my own freshly squeezed orange juice. Steel cut oats with tons of toppings is our normal go to! Every once in a while I will do French toast with berries because I love our family farm sourced maple syrup so I'll make anything for an excuse to eat it 🙂
What are your personal top three tips for feeling awesome?
Exercise, fresh air and exercise! Nothing makes me feel more motivated and energetic than a great work out or a run outside. The endorphins from a powerful workout are what I have always relied on, nothing compares.
Find kitskitchen: On Their Website | On Instagram | On Facebook