Meet Pomme Davie Street's Deli Manager Cory
/Cory has been with Pomme since the Davie Street location opened; he loves the West End!
Read MoreCory has been with Pomme since the Davie Street location opened; he loves the West End!
Read MoreWherever you find yourself, the following tips and tricks might help you and the students in your life ease back into school routines.
Read MoreDoug has worked for Island Natural for over 15 years and has been in the industry for many more.
Read MoreThree simple, natural and easy to find ingredients that can help soothe, heal and treat your skin after a dreaded sunburn!
Read MoreWe would like to introduce you to Francis Marfori, Deli Supervisor at Pomme Port Coquitlam!
Read MoreLocal produce started early this year so take advantage now!
Read MoreThe weather is warming up and it’s time to replenish sun products! Did you know that some popular conventional formulas contain hormone disruptors and neurotoxins? Remember that all substances that go on the skin enter the bloodstream and pass to the liver for detoxification. Learn more about safer natural alternatives to sunscreens for you and your family.
Read MoreInstead of relying on chemical sunscreens to protect your skin, go natural with these tips.
Read MoreFor most people, the mention of probiotics conjures up images of yogurt commercials. To be honest, store bought yogurt simply won’t cut it when it comes to the intensity needed to create a happy environment for your gut! But don’t dismiss the microbes aka the benefits of good stomach flora as a marketing gimmick or food fad.
Read MoreWorld Environment Day (WED) is the United Nations’ global initiative to create awareness and action for the environment. Each year, people in over 100 countries celebrate WED by doing something positive for the earth.
Read More"I love that I get to work with an amazing team and wonderful customers every day, they make my job fun!"
Read MoreIf you could know just one thing about celiac disease what should it be?
Read MoreRobin loves working at Pomme and she enjoys being at the Front End of the store where she gets to connect and converse with all of our customers.
Read MoreA powerful activating oil infused with 100 percent pure organic rose hips is a natural source of active vitamin C, vitamin A and essential fatty acids to brighten, repair and nourish your skin while minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Read MoreEveryone can make a difference this Earth Day! Get involved in your community by participating in a local event or take a more personal approach and commit to changing one thing in your life that will make a difference for the rest of the year.
Read MoreLee-Ann loves the people at Pomme Natural Market. She enjoys being surrounded by customers and staff everyday who are committed to improving their health and the health of others.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered what a dietitian does? Pomme's Dietitian Areli Hermanson gives us the scoop!
In a nutshell, Dietitians help people make healthy food choices by separating fact from fiction and supporting people to eat in a way that supports one’s optimal growth, development and vitality.
Read MoreFood matters. Our collective outlook on food is shifting. There is a rising interest in the quality of food, where it comes from, the impact of industrial farming methods on our environment, animal welfare and, of course, health benefits.
The 2008 recession was hard on the organic food market. Consumers switched to non-organic foods to try and make ends meet. Today there is much more competition in the sector, resulting in lower prices. Consumers have returned in full force, product availability has never been better, and local organic growers are supported.
Read MoreRobin Knight – Produce Supervisor
Meet Robin Knight, our Produce Supervisor at our Port Coquitlam location. Robin really enjoys working in produce, he finds it very exciting to receive new produce that he’s never seen before, such as romanesco broccoli and pink lemons. Robin has made many great friends working at Pomme and he loves being part of a local business in his city.