Trust Your Gut

Trust Your Gut

For most people, the mention of probiotics conjures up images of yogurt commercials. To be honest, store bought yogurt simply won’t cut it when it comes to the intensity needed to create a happy environment for your gut! But don’t dismiss the microbes aka the benefits of good stomach flora as a marketing gimmick or food fad. 

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Clean Food - It's Changing Everything

Clean Food - It's Changing Everything

Food matters.  Our collective outlook on food is shifting.  There is a rising interest in the quality of food, where it comes from, the impact of industrial farming methods on our environment, animal welfare and, of course, health benefits.

The 2008 recession was hard on the organic food market.  Consumers switched to non-organic foods to try and make ends meet.  Today there is much more competition in the sector, resulting in lower prices. Consumers have returned in full force, product availability has never been better, and local organic growers are supported.

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Employee Spotlight: Robin Knight

Employee Spotlight: Robin Knight

Robin Knight – Produce Supervisor

Meet Robin Knight, our Produce Supervisor at our Port Coquitlam location. Robin really enjoys working in produce, he finds it very exciting to receive new produce that he’s never seen before, such as romanesco broccoli and pink lemons. Robin has made many great friends working at Pomme and he loves being part of a local business in his city.

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