Pomme July Produce Report

By Zachary Haigh, Pomme Produce Specialist

My name is Zachary Haigh and for those who do not know me yet, I oversee all things produce at Pomme. You will find me in the back offices and in farmers' fields sourcing what I know to be the absolute best in local and international organics! This month, I am sharing what you can expect to find in our Produce Department.

Many of you may have noticed the heat wave that has come and gone; I know I sure did! What this means for local organics is that EVERYTHING is WEEKS EARLY. We are seeing crops available almost an entire month earlier than in years past. The cherry crop is already near its end when usually it’s only just starting, and BC blues are hitting their stride in a delicious manner. The same goes for all fruits and veg as well. There is even the possibility of seeing the first local dessert apples harvesting this July! These are crazy but exciting times in the world of produce. With early harvests comes an early end to the local season. So stock up now and can those cherries and peaches, make jam out of the blueberries and raspberries and enjoy local lettuces and brassicas while the moment is here for it won’t last long, it never does!