Clean Food - It's Changing Everything

Clean Food - It's Changing Everything

Food matters.  Our collective outlook on food is shifting.  There is a rising interest in the quality of food, where it comes from, the impact of industrial farming methods on our environment, animal welfare and, of course, health benefits.

The 2008 recession was hard on the organic food market.  Consumers switched to non-organic foods to try and make ends meet.  Today there is much more competition in the sector, resulting in lower prices. Consumers have returned in full force, product availability has never been better, and local organic growers are supported.

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Employee Spotlight: Robin Knight

Employee Spotlight: Robin Knight

Robin Knight – Produce Supervisor

Meet Robin Knight, our Produce Supervisor at our Port Coquitlam location. Robin really enjoys working in produce, he finds it very exciting to receive new produce that he’s never seen before, such as romanesco broccoli and pink lemons. Robin has made many great friends working at Pomme and he loves being part of a local business in his city.

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Get any group of parents of young children together and food issues are a given to enter the conversation. The most common complaint is the difficulty in getting kids to eat their vegetables, closely followed by fruit. Parents often say that their offspring loved pureed fruits and vegetables but now they don’t want to eat them. So what happened?

In studies done with rodents scientists found that they remained at healthy weights when given their own food. When junk food was introduced that was all they wanted. They ate to the point of severe obesity. Humans are the same. 

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What You Can Do to Fight Cold and Flu Season

What You Can Do to Fight Cold and Flu Season

Well, it is upon us: Cold and flu season. It happens every year but still manages to take us by surprise. Apart from the usual, but highly effective, hand washing and/or hand sanitizer use, staying clear of friends, family and coworkers who are sick and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth among other things, there are other, less-talked-about ideas for decreasing your chance of getting cold and flu this season.  

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Meet Jennifer Stanoffsky Our Store Manager

Meet Jennifer Stanoffsky Our Store Manager

Jennifer Stanoffsky is the Store Manager at Pomme POCO. “Stay humble, work hard and be kind” are words that she says she lives by. She has been in University full time while also working full time for the past 5 years and will be graduating in April 2015 with her Bachelor of Art's degree in Criminology. Last year she completed her practicum with Crown Counsel, and says that...

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Taming Weekday Mealtime Madness

Taming Weekday Mealtime Madness

It’s Wednesday at 5:45PM. Zach wants tacos, Sophia wants spaghetti, your partner will be home in fifteen minutes and you have chicken, frozen solid, in the freezer and just want to get dinner on the table.  What to do… takeout – kidding. Don’t get me wrong, takeout is definitely an option and can be built into a families meal (hello deli department) but always fits in better when it is built-in to the week versus picked up last-minute (drive-thru anyone).
One way to tame the weekday mealtime madness is to plan. Planning sounds time consuming and difficult – have no fear, essentially it is just:

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Jar Salad - Simple, Nutritious and Oh So Good!

Jar salads are exactly that, salads in a jar. These really are a fantastic way to make sure you get a boost of healthy veggies in your day and they are so simple to make. A great suggestion is to put cooked quinoa at the bottom and layer the veggies such as shredded beets and carrots, slivered almonds and raisins then finish it off with some crisp lettuce. It is best to keep the dressing to the side and to add it into the jar right before eating. Get creative and enjoy this simple way to eat more of your vegetables!

If you want to get into some serious detail about Jar Salads check out our friends over at "the kitchn".

Summer Time Skin Savers

Summer Time Skin Savers

The sun is vital to life, photosynthesis and heat for one; not to mention its vitamin D-making potential and mood boosting power. The tricky bit about the sun; however, is its inherent risk for skin damage.  Safe and savvy sun chasers “seek shade, slip on loose fitting cover ups, slap on hats and slop on sunscreen (and moisturizer)” but do you know that you can protect your skin and eyes from the inside out and not just from the outside in?

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