Meet the Makers Mini Interview: Elderberry Grove Farm

Elderberry Grove Farm Mini Interview

Jed and Louise from Elderberry Grove Farm describe themselves as elderberry enthusiasts and it’s easy to see how that passion led them to create a thriving business based on these incredibly healthy and delicious berries. Elderberries are deeply nutritious and supportive to the immune system, which is extra helpful this time of year. We’re thrilled to carry Elderberry Farm’s juice, shrub, and syrup at Pomme and think that you’ll be an elderberry enthusiast too after hearing their story!

Share your story with us in 150 words or less. 

Years ago in Salmon Arm, BC, we (Louise & Jed) became total elderberry enthusiasts. It all started after making our first elderberry syrup from local wild berries. We were amazed how healthy we stayed all winter and the taste was so good!

We saw everything in the cold and flu section was made from dehydrated berries, watered down and nothing was grown locally. So, by 2017 we knew we wanted to grow & fresh-squeeze the berries ourselves.

We love to grow and bottle elderberry syrup, shrub and juice. We also offer elderberry cuttings because we think growing your own is the best.

As organic farmers we are committed to growing health, from the ground up, that tastes really good.

Getting from an idea to a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’?

In some way, it seems like we always knew it was happening. We became enchanted with elderberry and wanted it to be our full time work. Six years ago we convinced ourselves we'd do whatever it took to share elderberry in a good way for people, nature and ourselves. Turns out growing elderberry is awesome so we'll keep doing it!

Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why?

Well, to be honest, our favourite thing is Elderberry Juice because it's just pure elderberry. Straight up authentic elderberry taste with nothing else added, how cool is that?!

What motivates you on a day-to-day basis?

Jed: I like taking care of my plants

Louise: I'm motivated by curiosity. Also wanting to live a good life and inspire others

What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in?

Salmon Arm and area has an amazing food community. We like to e-bike to go mushroom foraging, or meet up at farmers markets & food trucks. We share land with Jed's parents and it's nice that they also love gardening and food preserving.

Describe your ideal Sunday morning, including your breakfast.

Jed: Wake up, feed the ducks, then prune some elderberries. Brunch is from the garden: mushrooms, eggs and broccoli.

Louise: Wake up slowly, make tea, cat snuggle, and buckwheat pancakes and roasted dandelion latte.

What are your personal top three tips for feeling amazing?

Jed: Replace coffee with good sleep, grow a garden so you can eat more vegetables, and drink elderberry everyday.

Louise: Meditate with friends, take time for retreats, and join improvisation theatre group so you can laugh a lot.

Find Elderberry Grove:
On Their Website | On Instagram