Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Hoochy 'Booch Kombucha
/Hoochy ‘Booch holds a special place in our hearts because we really feel like we’ve really grown with them over the past 3 years! When we brought them in to provide our on tap ‘booch, they were a brand new company based right in the heart of Vancouver. The fact that they were so local, as well as their incredible energy and passion for creating a high quality, super delicious Kombucha in all kinds of wonderful, creative flavours—like Lady Grey (earl grey lavender vanilla), Beauty (white tea lavender mint) and Soleberry (blueberry rosehip hibiscus)—made them an obvious choice! It’s been fabulous to watch them blossom into such a popular, beloved BC brand and we’re thrilled to be able to help you get to know founders Kristin and Liam a little bit better.
Hoochy ‘Booch Kombucha Mini Interview
Share your story with us in a 150 words or less.
HBK started as a hobby. I was drinking Kombucha because I had digestive issues and Kombucha was the one thing that helped! I taught myself how to brew and soon after folks were asking me to teach them too. I would host workshops and what happened after that was amazing. People started coming back saying “Look, I love drinking Kombucha, but I just don’t have the time/space/energy/yours taste better, can I just buy it from you?” I LOVED this idea! The demand kept growing and I loved seeing peoples’ lives improve because their tummies were in check. I always felt inspired to keep on moving forward & growing. It was always important to me to see ‘booch on tap (for less waste) and also in new areas like weddings, events & offices.
Getting from an idea to a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’?
When we got our kitchen space and I spent my first few days there. When our first pallet of branded bottles showed up, it felt like Christmas. The first biggest boom for us was when Pomme took us on as a vendor. We quickly discovered how much people loved the on-tap idea and our ‘booch! We scrambled for over a year to keep up with demand… that was a dream come true!
Scoby Watching
Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why?
Ooh tough question.
Kristin – I love Turmeric Tonic in the winter. I feel so nourished with all the turmeric & ginger! And I LOVE Pink Grapefruit in the summertime. It makes the BEST cocktails!
Liam – Hibiscus Ginger is always a winner, Pink Grapefruit in the summer. Also our underdog Soleberry… always amazes me how good it is!
What motivates you on a day-to-day basis?
The opportunity to do & be something different. To give back to our community with a healthy product. To know that we are helping people feel better in their bodies on a day-today basis, that’s just gold!
What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in?
The people. The beauty. I love how so many people support the local economy and the impact that has. Also, our coffee and food. We have some of the BEST!
Describe your ideal Sunday morning, including your breakfast.
Sleep in. Play some vibey tunes and drink rich, bold coffee, My fav breakfast involves potatoes, salad & friends.
What are your personal top tips for feeling awesome?
Continue to learn & grow
Unplug by spending time in nature or by the water
Laugh. Don’t take yourself so seriously
Eat healthy, drink ‘booch :D
Find Hoochy ‘Booch: On Their Website | On Instagram | On Facebook