Meet the Makers Mini Interview: Untamed Feast

Mini Interview: Untamed Feast

Meet Eric and Michelle, the power pair behind Untamed Feast, the line of wild mushroom products that bring the earthy flavours of the forest to your table. From wild-harvested dried mushrooms to rich risotto mixes, hearty soups and more, their creations are a true celebration of nature. With a shared history of foraging with their families, it feels like destiny brought these two together to share their love of mushrooms with the world. Read on to discover more about their journey and passion for fabulous fungi!

Share your story with us in 150 words or less
We met in Thailand at a yoga training. A while later we discovered we both picked mushrooms with our families as kids. We began taking time off work (Eric was in Forestry, Michelle in Parks) to go on morel & pine picking trips. When we realized that the Canadian mushroom market was all about export we knew there was opportunity for a domestic lane. Nothing much happened until Eric fell down a hill, hit his head on a tree and couldn’t work anymore. He slowly recovered, while building a mobile mushroom drier, that would have us going further into the woods for longer and coming out with more mushrooms. Fast forward many years, and we’re still on a mission to get people to EAT MORE MUSHROOMS!

The journey from conceiving an idea to establishing a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’? 
We felt it was really happening somewhere between the Kris Kringle Christmas market in Parksville & the Ladner Farmer's Market. Mushrooms weren't exactly trending at that time, but still, people were really excited to see morels and other things they just couldn't get in stores. It gave us the confidence to try retail, and Ernie Skinner from Market on Yates in Victoria was our first big YES.

Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why?
Well, we've got 16 mushroom products and it really depends on what we're in the mood for, BUT every time we eat the Smoked Mushroom Risotto, we look at each other like "damn…" It's a bit too bold & smokey for some, but it's just so unique.

What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in?
We currently live north of Edmonton. The blue sunny skies followed by the dark starry nights are pretty glorious.

What are your personal top three tips for feeling amazing?

1. Exercise - Ideally a hike, but Eric loves his gym time & Michelle needs dance & yoga.

2. Nature - morning sun, grounding (walking around barefoot), gardening, swimming in the river, building fire, sitting with fire.

3. Foraging - The process of harvesting, processing, preparing, and eating wild plants & mushrooms is deeply nourishing on every level.

Untamed Feast:
On Their Website | On Instagram | On Facebook