Meet the Makers Mini Interview: Ulivit

Mini Interview: Ulivit

Uncovering the plant-based potential of pulses sparked an "aha" moment for Laura Gustafson, leading to the creation of Ulivit (pronounced "you-live-it")—a delicious line of plant-based bites and crumbles made from peas! Laura, with help from her sister Carla, has grown a thriving business, catering to the rising demand for healthy, sustainable, and Canadian-grown flexitarian and vegan foods. It's a win-win for both you and the planet! Dive in to discover the story behind the Ulivit journey.

Share your story with us in 150 words or less
I grew up under the sunny skies of Saskatchewan, where food wasn’t just something you grabbed at the store—it grew in my backyard! My deep connection to the land and food runs through generations, with my Grandpa and Great Grandpa being farmers. Fast forward to adulthood, and while I was busy in healthcare, I discovered how much what we eat affects our health and well-being. One day, in a nutrition class, I learned about a local game-changer: protein-packed pulses! 

These sustainable crops are so good for you and the planet, and are the ONLY food the United Nations dedicated an entire year and World Day to, and is on a mission to get the world eating more. That’s how my passion for pulses—and ulivit—was born. Now, I’m on a mission to have fun and share the incredible benefits of Canadian-grown pulse peas with the world!

The journey from conceiving an idea to establishing a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’? 
It's a wild ride of hard work and passion! Seeing my products on store shelves for the first time, and overhearing one girl raving to her friend about it. Total thrill! Then a customer bought us out at the farmers market and online—super sweet!  The next week, people were lining up before I even opened! I even got to chat with Jeff Bezos' team and Patagonia about our sustainability efforts—ultimate "pinch me" moment.

Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why?
I’m obsessed with Cowgirl Steak!  It's super flavourful, juicy, tender and oh so very delicious.  Plus I grew up riding horses and my favourite colour is pink 🏇😊  

Obviously the other ones are life changing flavours too!  They pack 4X the protein of ground beef, 4X the fiber, and zero cholesterol. Dig into them all to feel good!

What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in?
I live in the most beautiful country in the world.  Oh Canada! How truly proud I am to call you home. But, I’m a bit of a free spirit. I spend my time between sunny Saskatchewan land of the living skies & endless farm fields and Victoria, voted greatest city in the world to live. It doesn’t get much better than this 😊

Describe your ideal Sunday morning, including your breakfast.
Ahhh, sleep-in Sundays! My dream morning begins with rolling out of bed whenever I please, followed by a kitchen dance party while I whip up a dreamy adaptogenic café latte— with our mushroom boost—bliss!  Then it’s off to us hosting sunny beachy brunch with friends, family, and community, featuring fresh Shakshuka avo toast Scramble or Shakshuka pepper boats – pick your pleasure.  Cool fact. It’s the protein equivalent to 9 large eggs, without the cholesterol!  Post-breakfast plans? A swim, surf, hike through the forest, or shopping with the girls!

What are your personal top three tips for feeling amazing?

1. Activities with Friends, Fam & Furballs – Trots to the ocean, dancing in the kitchen, singing in the shower, snuggling up to fuzzy love and anything lake life! 

2. Eat Good Food While Practicing Gratitude – Though it drives everyone around me mental, (ha!) I practice gratitude every single dinner! 

3. Have Fun – Life is short. Smile, giggle and laugh your way through it! 

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