Meet the Makers Mini Interview: Game Changer Foods

Game Changer Foods Mini Interview

We have an inspiring story to share with you in this month’s Meet the Maker interview with Vancouver’s Game Changer Foods. Their deliciously nutritious snacks made from chickpeas have been rapidly gaining popularity (for good reason!) and we’ve been thrilled to support this family business along their journey. A family recipe, a commitment to healthy eating—along with Arun & PD’s drive and passion—have created a recipe for success. Yet it would never have happened if not for a setback during the pandemic that made this family take a leap of faith. Read on to learn more about this local family business success story!

Share your story with us in 150 words or less
Our brand story is one of resilience, creativity, and family spirit. Before the challenges of COVID hit, my husband PD ran a successful travel business, while I immersed myself in the world of fashion when not tending to our three kids. However, the pandemic dealt a crushing blow to PD’s travel venture, leaving us with zero revenue for the first two years. 

Faced with this adversity, we had to make a choice: either seek traditional employment or embark on a new venture. It was during this uncertain time that our daughter had a brilliant idea: to take a cherished family recipe and transform it into a nutritious, health-focused product. This simple suggestion ignited a spark within us, and we began to see a path forward—a path that would not only sustain us but also allow us to share a piece of our family’s heritage with the world. And so, fueled by passion, determination, and the unwavering support of our loved ones, we set out to create something truly special—a brand that embodies the values of resilience, innovation, and the power of coming together as a family.

The journey from conceiving an idea to establishing a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’? 
It hit me when I saw our Chickpea Bites on the shelves for the first time, realizing that our journey from idea to reality was truly unfolding. Seeing our products out in the world was an unforgettable moment that made all the hard work worth it!

Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why?
I have to say, my absolute favourite is our Berry Bliss Chickpea Bites. There’s just something about the tangy sweetness of the berries mixed with the crunchy goodness of chickpeas that creates this incredible flavour that keeps me coming back for more. It’s like a guilt-free treat that hits all the right spots while still being nutritious.

What motivates you on a day-to-day basis?
As an entrepreneur and a mom of three, what truly keeps me going every day is the passion for building something meaningful, both for our family and for our customers. The drive to create a better future for our children and to inspire them through our actions is my constant motivation.

Additionally, knowing that our work is making a positive impact on the lives of others fuels me to push through any challenges that come my way.

What are your personal top three tips for feeling amazing?
Feeling amazing starts with making yourself a priority, which we often overlook as parents. Here are my top three tips:

  1. Self-care is non-negotiable. Carve out time in your schedule for self-care activities that recharge your mind and body. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a relaxing bath, or simply enjoying a cup of your favourite tea. Prioritize these moments.

  2. Move. Regular exercise is key to feeling amazing. Find physical activities that you enjoy and make them a regular part of your routine. I recently started playing field hockey after 25 years, and I absolutely love it, so it doesn’t even feel like a workout. It helps me to destress, and improves my mood and energy level.

  3. Nourish with nutrient-dense foods. Fuel your body with wholesome foods that provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and sustained energy. Nourishing your body from the inside not only supports physical health but enhances your mood, energy levels, and mental health. Your well-being is a priority. I always tell my kids (in the words of the late Steve Jobs): Eat food as your medicine otherwise you will have to eat medicine as your food.

    Game Changer Foods:
    On Their Website | On Instagram | On Facebook