Health Through Your Eyes: Free Talk @ Poco

Discover Secrets To Your Health Through Your Eyes
Tuesday March 28th, 2017; 7pm - 9pm
Pomme Natural Market Poco
#9-2755 Lougheed Highway, Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 5Y9

Please call (604) 475-2505) or register in-store to reserve your spot!

Have you ever heard of the expression - "the eyes are the window to the soul" and wondered what does that mean? As it turns out, there's a lot that you can tell from looking at someone's eyes.

Iridology, or the study of the iris (the coloured part of your eye) shows us that different parts of your iris actually provides us with a map of what's going on inside of your body which can then be useful to determine how to approach working with health conditions (not unlike how an acupuncturist, chiropractor or massage therapist would reference a map showing the relationships and connections between different parts of the body when working with people).

Here are just a few things the iris reveals:

- Specific areas of inflammation in the body
- Chemical deposits
- If you're absorbing the nutrients from your food
- Neurological weaknesses
- Cholesterol deposits in different parts of the body
- and much much more

Join Chartered Herbalist, Detoxification Specialist, and Life Coach Jon Ley, for a free event where you'll never look at your eyes in the same way again and get to discover where your specific health strengths and weaknesses are as well as what you can do about them.