Organic, Fairtrade Mangoes from APROMALPI!
/Our first shipment of organic, Fairtrade Kent mangos from Peruvian coop APROMALPI (Asociación de Productores de Mangos del Alto Piura) has arrived at Pomme Poco! Kent mangos are known for their sweet and aromatic overtones. Their flesh is tender with limited fibres and they are often misjudged as being green because they don’t show as much colour as other mango varieties when ripe.
Aren't they lovely!
We're super excited to have them not only because they are juicy and delicious, but because they come from such an awesome source. Here's a little more information on the APROMALPI collective, from our Distributor, Discovery Organics:
"Asociación de Productores de Mangos del Alto Piura, (APROMALPI) cooperative is a Peruvian association of 185 members founded in 1996 originally, by a group of 40 mango producers, to increase family incomes and escape prices imposed by middlemen and brokers.
"In 2003, after a one-year experience in export, Apromalpi became certified Fairtrade. The area covered is 340 hectares of mango orchards, representing approximately 2 hectares per farm. The resulting increase in prices paid by Apromalpi to their member growers has enabled producers to improve production because they have been able to spend more on irrigation and composting. During the past few years, mango yields have increased from 8,5t per hectare to 10t per hectare, resulting from progressive densification of the numbers of trees per hectares, and better technical management. APROMALPI now has the capacity to pack and export fresh, dried and pureed mangoes (Kent and Honeyblush), to North America and Europe. Needless to say that being part of the Fairtrade International system helped tremendously in achieving such empowerment.
"Apromalpi uses their Fair Trade social premiums to fund a low interest loan program for members; the development of textile workshop providing employment for local women; and an onsite medical clinic. Their five year plan is focusing on providing educational scholarships for the community."