August Produce Report

August promises to be a bountiful month full of local produce, with lots of great things on the horizon. BC apples and pears are beginning to appear in all our stores! At PoCo and Davie, early apples  from the Okanagan are available like Discovery (a sharp, sweet flavour great for eating); Earlygold (Early Golden Delicious, very sweet); Gravenstein (a crisp, sweet, tart flavour excellent for pies and sauces) and Sunrise (sweet and tart, good for all purpose eating, baking and sauce). In Nanaimo, we have apples from Gabriola: Gravenstein, Summer Rose (sweet and Juicy great for eating and sauces), and Paula Reds (a member of the Macintosh family—great eating).

Local squash is available in all sorts of varieties, as well as zucchini, patty pans, potatoes, carrots, beets beans, figs, champagne seedless grapes, fresh figs, broccoli and plums! Garlic is already available from the Interior, and Gabriola garlic will be available more towards the last week in August.